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  • Saturday, October 28, 2006

    Burning Down the House Vlog #2

    Last weekend's project was a problem solving exercise. I've been looking for a way to paint my stairways since we moved in. I'm no fan of ladders, so I really needed something that wasn't going to shift around a lot.

    This video jumps around a bunch because I recruited an eight year-old to handle the camera work. You'll get to see me giving her directing tips. The entire video is only about 5 minutes long, and you get to see me in a pink shirt.

    Wednesday, October 11, 2006

    Burning Down the House Vlog #1

    A simple project: installing base board trim.

    I filmed this, hoping to start a new feature on this blog. Based on how much work went into editing, I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep this up every week. It was fun, anyway.

    The tool tip I gave is actually partially inaccurate. The tip of the tape measure moves to compensate for the width of the metal hook. This ensures that your measurement will be correct whichever way you're measuring.