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  • Saturday, January 07, 2006

    I Hate Water

    I don't do much of anything that involves water, frozen or not. I don't ski, skate, or dive. I don't care for water parks or water based thrill rides, either. And, I'm usually the first one out of the pool, especially when horse play begins.

    But, I love boats, especially like canoes. This leaves me somewhat conflicted. So, a few years ago I agreed to take a white water rafting trip in early spring, on the Peshtigo River. As you can see from the falling snow, it's very early spring. Needless to say, it was really fun and I'm not likely to try this again.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Oh, that.

    And that.

    Can you tell by my face that I'm enjoying this?

    Four heads, paddles, raging river, snow fall... Something is missing. Oh yeah, the boat!